A clean and germ-free environment at home is the concern of every mother. Infants and toddlers like playing on the floor with play things strewn across. They sometimes take and lick them; it is terrifying to find kids when they fall ill, isn’t it? We at Molikule understand this concern.
Hand washing before and after food is the key to good health and hygiene. World Health Organisation’s recent survey of a community that follows hand wash hygiene proves a reduction of one-third in the incidence of diarrhoea. Similarly, it is equally important to train children to wash hands with soap after using the toilet. It is our responsibility to develop a hygiene conscious younger generation. We conduct awareness programmes in schools to take the message to all.
We help the entire family especially the childrento fight the invisible germs that cause diseases. Our products are an embodiment of our expertise in disinfection and hygiene.